Active Help Cambodia Projects Photo Album I want to help Sponsors Volunteers
I want to help

Naturally we need funding to help Anlong Khong. If you want to lend a hand to help us raise funds, you could think of the following ideas:

Financial help
Thanks to our sponors AHC has been able to support Anlong Khong since 2004.

With your donation we can maintain our current projects in Anlong Khong and keep making a difference.

Please donate to:
St. Actieve Hulp Cambodja
IBAN NL45ABNA0984139052
ABN AMRO Bank, The Hague, Netherlands

If you want to raise money via a fundraising event, we are happy to provide you with information about our work and Anlong Khong. We could even come and give a presentation. Or contact our partner Have Fun Events, they are specialized in all sorts of events.

An alternative for Christmas cards
More and more businesses choose not to send their business relations Christmas cards or end-of -year gifts anymore. But to donate to charity. This way we already received some great financial support. We like to visit them to tell them more about our work and how their donation will be used.

You can also help us by word-of-mouth or posting articles in your local newspaper or schoolpaper.

A schoolproject? We are happy to provide you with information.

We welcome volunteer in Cambodia, but also in The Netherlands. To help us with our projects. For more information on volunteering at AHC see our page Volunteers


And if you have a great fundraising idea for us, please let us know!

For questions or more information:

Your donation can make the difference.