Family Support
We support a small number of very poor families in Anlong Khong.
By giving them money for (HIV) medication, providing a bicycle or moto, or paying for school tuition.
Status: runningStart: 2016
Latest news:- Liza is now in her final year of high school. She expects to graduate this year. After he ...  |
Emergency Aid
Oct 2010: A dikebreach in the vicinity of Anlong Khong has caused severe flooding in the village.342 families have sought refuge in our two schools and on the dike around the village.Active Help Cambodia provides emergency aid by bringing the villagers tents, food and medicine.All help is more then ...  |
Pig pass-on
In Anlong Khong we've started a Animal Pass On program. Starting with pigs. Four families have received a pig to raise. From their first litter of piglets ech family will pass-on two piglets to two new families. All participant receive guidance and training on how to raise pigs. Enabling the income ...  |
Food program
Every day the children in the kindergarten get a healthy lunch. This not only to make sure the children get enough important nutriants, it also stimulates the parents to send their chidren to school.To measure the effects of the food program the children are being measured and weighed yearly.Start: ...  |
English lessons
Knowledge of the English language means better job opportunities in Cambodia. And that is someting Anlong Khong villagers can use! Five days a week two English lessons are provided. Beginner and advanced. For young and old.
Latest news:Because it is so succesfull; two more levels are added.
S ...  |
Wash your Hands
To improve hygiene in the Anlong Khong and create awareness about the importance of washing your hands, we started a Wash your Hands campaign.With donated soap from Soap&Samples foundation and a manual for a Tippy Tap we organized a workshop for the villagers on how to make a Tippy Tap from a je ...  |
It's important that the students of the Kindergarten brush their teath after lunch every day.Start: 2009Status:running ...  |
For some time there hasn't been any Kindergarten education offered in Anlong Khong. Active Help Cambodia has decided to pick this up herself again and recently restarted a Kindergarten. Because education is, even for the little ones, very important!This means education for 30-40 children, ...  |
Waterway improvement
Anlong Khong suffers from serious flooding every year. Causing a health threatening situation every wet season.Too reduce this, new waterways are made through the entire village. Hard work, but the results are amazing. And we aren't even finished yet!After completion an improvement of at least ...  |
Garbage Collection
Two villagers received a micro credit to buy a moto and become Anlong Khong's first garbage collection service. Three times a week they collect the garbage and take this to the garbage dump. Hygiene in the village is improved significantly. They also take care of keeping the new waterways clean.They ...  |
Volunteer project
The Dutch foundation En Route has chosen Anlong Khong as the village they want to support in their Youth program. In 2008 and 2009 four groups of Dutch volunteers between 15 and 25 will be given the opportunity to come to Cambodia and help Anlong Khong.They support our projects on hygiene, ...  |
In Januari 2008 the first employment project started in Anlong Khong. With fair trade importer Wild Paper Arts employment was provided for 55 villagers, making wind-up toys from paper mache for the American market.10.000 toys have been made and shipped to the US in May 2008.The villagers received tr ...  |
Community Development
To improve livelihoods in Anlong Khong, AHC is always looking for projects that will help the villagers improve their employability. So that they can work on becoming more independent and self-sufficient. But the ultimate goal is for Anlong Khong to become independent. Therefor we support Anlon ...  |
Non-profit shop
Non-profit shop Aw'-kun Shop+Help.In Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capitol city, Active Help Cambodia was running a non-profit shop. The products were made in Anlong Khong or by other NGO's and the profit was used for the projects in Anlong Khong. This project is now completed.The products are still a ...  |
Two sisters, Phalla and Sovannah, from Anlong Khong have an amazing talent. They paint beautifully!We help them by selling their handpainted postcards in our non-prfit shop Aw'-kun Shop+Help in Phnom Penh. Earning some extra money for their family of 8(!).They also made pretty christmas ca ...  |
Running cost pre-school
To help the school start up, AHC has contributed 50% of the running costs for 2,5 years. The local organization was responsible for managing the school and had to raise the other half.Status: handed over to local organizationThis project is made possible by Impulsis/ICCO and Bel-Impex. ...  |
Construction pre-school
The school
Status: completedThe L-shaped school consists of six classrooms, a kitchen, storage space, an office and sanitary facilities. To keep temperatures down, the walls of the school are 4 metres tall, and the roof is peaked and covered with roof tiles. In order to keep the children's feet dry ...  |
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