Waterway improvement
Anlong Khong suffers from serious flooding every year. Causing a health threatening situation every wet season.
Too reduce this, new waterways are made through the entire village. Hard work, but the results are amazing. And we aren't even finished yet!
After completion an improvement of at least 80% is reasonable.
Status: completed
Started: summer 2008
Latest news:
Thanks to Get it Done foundation Anlong Khong is almost waterproof.
- repairing the dike
- making a waterlock in the dike to get rid of large quantities of water
- extra waterways
Although Cambodia suffered some to the most severe flooding this raining season, Anlong Khong could quickly get rid of all the water. Keeping disease out of the village.
See our photo album for pictures of the work on the waterways in 2011.

This project is made possible by Gymnasium Rahden, En Route foundation and foundation Get it Done.