Active Help Cambodia

Will you also support our pre-school in Cambodia?
Starting in 2004, we support the Cambodian slum community of Anlong Khong.
With a main focus on pre-school education. Providing pre-school classes and a lunch five days a week.
Because we believe; getting a chance to go to school is the way to a brighter future.
Pre-schools are not common in Cambodia. Especially, in slum areas like Anlong Khong. Lacking the basic skills for primary school, many children leave school early. Because they simply can not keep up.
Thanks to our wonderful teacher, many children from our school can skip a class at primary school. Getting the confidence and fighting chance to break the cycle of poverty.
Active Help Cambodia in times os Covid-19
Now in times of Covid19 the people of Anlong Khong depend on us even more then ever. That is why we continue to provide the teacher and cook their monthly salary. Especially now! Also our family support is needed more then ever, now that factories are closed and unemployement rates are rising.
Will you also help to continue our pre-school project in Anlong Khong?
Please donate to:
St. Actieve Hulp Cambodja
IBAN NL45ABNA0984139052
ABN AMRO Bank, The Hague, Netherlands
Thank you so much!
(Unfortunately our Paypal button does not work. Our apologies. Please transfer your donation by bank.)