It all started in February 2004 after travelling in Cambodia; the idea to build a school in slum area Anlong Khong. Within a year construction was already able to start. The next step became improving the living standards in this community with small scale community development projects. Flexible, creative and entrepeneurial.. small foundation, big difference!
AHC board members; Hugo Went, Heida Raven, Rik KentieThe people behind Active Help CambodiaThe idea to start the foundation was born when board member Rik Kentie travelled through Cambodia, a country living with the awful legacy of the Khmer Rouge regime. He decided to use his enterprises - Skate-fun and Have Fun Events- to raise funds and set up projects, making a contribution to the future of Cambodia.
When Rik presented his plans to Heida Raven, who was unsuspectingly admiring his holiday photos, she immediately offered to help. Together they laid the foundations for Active Help Cambodia. Ultimately, Heida even went to Cambodia for 18 months to work full-time for Anlong Khong, thanks to winning a prize.
Hugo Went has taken up the resposibility of Treasurer. Taking care of Active Help Cambodia's financial matters from his administration and tax consultancy office.
Rik Kentie - Chairman
Hugo Went - Treasurer
Heida Raven - Secretary / Project Coordinator
Special thanks
Active Help Cambodia foundation would like to particularly thank:
- Our wonderful teacher Sok Khom, who with her love and dedication prepares Anlong Khong's pre-schoolers for primary school.
- Gymnasium Rahden, Germany, for their limitless enthousiasm for our little school and amazing sponsor activities.
- Bob Frieser, with his personal efforts and the sponsorship from Bel Impex BV he enabled the successful launch of the foundation.
- Ward Kentie at Design Studio Hans Kentie BNO for his skillful graphic designs.
- Remco Vogelpoel of Art Digital for our website.
- And all volunteers, experts and others who provided us with great advice and hands-on- and moral support.
Collaborating organisations
- ICCO/Impulsis (interchurch organisation for development cooperation)
- Villageworks
- Foundation En Route
- Give 2 Asia

Our wonderful teacher