Our target group
Here we provide you with further information relating to our target group; the small community of Anlong Khong.
Anlong Khong Thmey
The residents of Anlong Khong used to live in a slum in the capital city Phnom Penh; old Anlong Khong. When this district was ravaged by fire in 2000, the families were allocated a section of land on which they were said to build new homes with their own means. Besides a water pump, there were barely any facilities at all. The new Anlong Khong lies approx. 15 kilometres outside Phnom Penh. This distance makes it difficult for the villlagers to find work. The community could definitely use some help. Therefor, we decided to start Active Help Cambodia Foundation in 2004. Being able to start our first project in 2005; building a school.

Education in Cambodia
On 5 January 1976, Pol Pot introduced radical political and social measures. People were driven out of the cities to go and work on the rice fields. Schools were closed, and due to the political and social reforms, teachers were killed in mass executions. By the 1990s, only a few schools were left. Even today, there is still a shortage of well-trained teachers. And pre-schools in particular are still a relative rarity.
Why is a pre-school so important to Anlong Khong?
It is not only children who benefit from a pre-school, so does the rest of the family. Often, one of the parents or an older brother or sister has to stay at home to look after the younger children. He or she therefore misses out on the chance of work or education. If the younger children are taken care of, the parents can go to work and the older brothers and sisters can go to school. For the children a pre-school has major benefits. Many children quit their primary school eductaion, because they lack pre-school education and can't bridge the gap in their development. Anlong Khong is no exception.
Anlong Khong's villagers are amongst the poorest in Cambodia. There is no space for agriculture and most villagers lack education. Most villagers work in construction or (garment) factories, where they earn a very small salary. In order to work on an independent future, it is important to offer them opportunities for education and employment.
Living standards
Anlong Khong is a typical slum area. Small, bad housing, remote, uneducated and dirty. Active Help Cambodia initaites projects that improve hygiene, rainwater drainage and health in the community.
Will you help us?
Anlong Khong can definitely use some help. With your support we can make sure that livlehoods improve for the people of Anlong Khong.