An overview of our latest news:
Schooltrip - October 2019
What a lovely day they had!
Thanks to Gymnasium Rahden our students had a wonderful time during their schooltrip to the zoo.
New whiteboard - 2019
Sometimes it's the small things in life.. A new whiteboard on wheels for our teacher!
Teacher visit - July 2019
By now we could call them our greatest and most engaged ambassadors: the teachers and students of Gymnasium Rahden.
This year they decided to (again) combine their well-deserved holiday with a visit to Anlong Khong. To see how it is going at their beloved school.
Schooltrip - 2018
The kids had a great day during their annual schooltrip. They went to the zoo and a temple. They had a great day of fun, with a lot of singing and dancing.

Project visit - January 2017
Our board member Heida visited our projects in Anlong Khong and catched up with our teacher and the families receiving family support.

Teacher visit Gymnasium Rahden - April 2014
Jürgen and Urte, teachers at Gymnasium Rahden, visited us again! The organised, among other things, a fun school trip to the beach for our students. A great day for the children! For some it was the first time to see the sea.

Clowning Around at full steam in Cambodia - January 2014
See our photo album for some pictures of Lothar teaching the children and teachers how to make toys out of flat tires.

Clowning Around leaves for Cambodia in a few days - November '13
Only a few more days before Lothar Grob of Clowning Around leaves for Cambodia for 3 months. With his exceptional talent he will give children a chance to escape from their harsh reality. First stop Anlong Khong. We wish Lothar an unforgettable time in Cambodia! You can follow his blog on
Click here for a video on how he makes toys out of old bicycle tires!

First school tour for school Anlong Khong - September '13
Our students went on their very first school tour. To the zoo. They had an amazing day and learned a lot about animals and nature.

Schooluniforms thanks to Gymnasium Rahden - September '13
Our students now have beautiful new schooluniforms! Big thanks to Gymnasium Rahden!

Lunch program restarted thanks to Gymnasium Rahden - August '13
Thanks to students and teachers of Gymnasium Rahden we have been able to start providing schoollunches again.

Gymnasium Rahden runs 3000 kilometers for Anlong Khong - April '13
The students of Gymnasium Rahden (Germany) have organized a sponsor run to raise money for the school in Anlong Khong. They ran an amazing 3000 kilometers and raised enough money for 1 year of scholing! Wow, how fantastic!

Clowning Around will visit Anlong Khong this winter - March '13
Professional clown and social worker, Lothar Grob, will visit several projects in Cambodia starting November 2013. For 3 months he will visit hospitals, orphanages, villages and schools to help children escape their daily problems and difficulties by creative therapy. Not by giving a "standard" clown's performance in floppy shoes and a red nose, but by intuitively acting upon the needs of the child(ren). A wonderful initiative! And, hurray, he will also be coming to Anlong Khong! Lothar is working hard to raise funds for his inspiring project, for more info and the status of his fundraising you can take a look at:
Also check out his video.

Gymnasium Rahden raises funds for Anlong Khong - December '12
German teachers Urte and Jurgen inspired colleagues and students to raise funds to help the school and pig project in Anlong Khong. The students have raised a wonderful amount with their fun and creative projects.Click here for some nice pictures of the student activities.

Good start of the new year - December '12
Thanks to the great efforts of students and teachers in Rahden, combined with a nice donation of transport company Drost Transport the school is off to a good start of the new year!
Teacher visit - July '12
Jurgen and Urte are teachers from Germany. They helped out in Anlong Khong. Also bringing support from Claus and Sylvia and their friends and family. Fantastic! Here a small impression of their visit.

Project visit - December '11
Heida Raven visited the projects in Cambodia. The school is freshly painted and has extra (class)rooms. The dike looks great and solid. The waterways and waterlock have worked perfectly during raining season. And the pigs are healthy. Anlong Khnong has taken a big step forward now that they have electricity. The top 3 for 2012; the school on number 1, followed by raising the main roads in the village and repairing the brick school building. We have added some pictures to our photo album.

Waterway project finished - November'11
The last phase of the waterway project is finished. Now that Thailand and Cambodia are suffering from the worst floods in years, Anlong Khong can keep most of the water out. And has the right tools to get rid of the water. No waterborn diseases this year!
En Route builds new classrooms - November'11
En Route foundation is back in Anlong Khong and built extra classrooms and a storageroom for the school. They also painted the school and planted fruit trees in the school yard, to provide shade and fruit in the future.

Phase 2 finished of waterway project - July'11
The dike around the village, which was severely damaged in the flood, is now as good as new again. Phase 2 of the waterway project is finished. View our photo album for pictures.
School lunch program back in business - June'11
The kindergarten will be able to serve a school lunch for the children again.

Give2Asia and ASN Bank help secure funds for school - June'11
Thanks to Give2Asia and ASN Bank the funds for 1 year of operational costs of the school are secured. What a relief!
Phase 1 finished of waterway project - May'11
The Dutch foundation Get it Done raised a wonderful amount of funds for the waterway project in Anlong Khong. The first phase, finishing the waterways we already started in, is now finished. View our photo album for pictures.
School urgently needs sponsors - May'11
To continue the pre-school and English lessons in Anlong Khong the school urgently needs new funds. Can you help, or do you have good ideas? All help is welcome!
Severe flooding in Anlong Khong - Oct'10
Dike breach has caused 342 families to seek refuge in our 2 schools. Active Help Cambodia is now trying to set up emergency aid to provide food, tents and medicine for all villagers.

Piglets born in Anlong Khong
The first litter of piglets is born in Anlong Khong's Animal Pass On program. Eight healthy piglets! And there is more baby-news; the other 3 pigs in the program will also have offspring in a few months.
First piglets to be born in 2 months
In two months the first piglets will be born in our Animal Pass On program. Moving this program to the next important fase; the actual passing on of the animals. Two of these piglets will be passed-on to two new families in Anlong Khong, enabling them to participate in this program as well.
Animal Pass-on program started in Anlong Khong
After a long period of preperations the Animal pass-on program is started in Anlong Khong. Five families received a pig. From the first litter two piglets will be passed on to another familie, and so on. Giving Anlong Khong's villagers a chance to generate extra income.
Kindergarten operational again
Next to English lessons also kindergarten classes have started in the wooden school building.
Every day 70 children get an education and healthy meal.The yellow stone building has been out of use for a while. We are very happy with this new solution.
50 trucks of sand for schoolyard
Thanks to the volunteers of En Route foundation, 50 trucks of sand where delivered to the village to make a nice and primarely dry school yard. Soon the school yard will be cemented and will the children be able to enter the school without getting there feet wet.
Waterways are getting better and better
In cooperation with En Route foundation, volunteers started a waterway project in 2008. Anlong Khong suffers from severe flooding in the raining season, causing unhygienic conditions. This year voluteers worked on the waterways again together with a team of 10 villagers. Next raining season Anlong Khong will be free from flooding.
English lessons started in Anlong Khong
In Anlong Khong the first English lessons have started. Already 65 villagers have started taking lessons (a lot more then we expected) and they are very enthusiastic. The teaching materials are donated by a German couple celebrating their honeymoon in Cambodia and wanting to help (Thank you so much Claus en Sylvia!).
Youth project with foundation En Route at full speed
For the second time foundation En Route coordinates 3 groups of Dutch teenagers to volunteer in Anlong Khong. To help villagers improve their livings standards. Waterways, English lessons, fixing the road, starting up a village committee and much more..
Foundation Soap & Samples donates soap for Anlong Khong
Foundation Soap & Samples donated almost 60 kilo's of soap and shampoo to distribute in Anlong Khong. Together with the teenagers from En Route (September group) this soap will be used for a "wash your hands" campaign.
Foundation People4Change helps AHC with volunteer
Thanks to foundation People4Change (also a winner of the Vodafone World of Difference 2007) our non-profit shop in Phnom Penh can count on volunteer Ted van der Vliet in the month of August, to further professionalize Aw'-kun Shop and Help.
New website by Art Digital
We are still working on the last bits and pieces, but here is our new website. Thanks to Tindemans Translations we are now also available in English.