Tax deductability
For tax deductability the Dutch tax authority requires organizations to have the "ANBI status". This means that donations can be income tax deductable for sponsors.
For donations from abroad the tax regulations of the home country apply.
If you need any additional information for your local tax authority, please let us know.
1. Tax information:
Full name in Dutch: Stichting Actieve Hulp Cambodja
Dutch tax number: 813378578
Place of residence: Lisse, The Netherlands
Contact details
Postal Adress:
We are a paperless foundation.
2. Remuneration policy:
The board members of Active Help Cambodia refrain from compensation for their work. They pay for their own flights and accomodation during their project visists in Cambodia.
Our foundation consists of three people:
Chairman: Rik Kentie
Treasurer: Hugo Went
Secretary/Project coordinator: Heida Raven
Also volunteers are not rewarded any financial compensation.
3. Fundraising
We raise our funds via:
- Companies
- Schools
- Volunteers
- Private persons
- Funds specialized in development aid
All our funds are being used for our projects.
Of course we will always have bank administration fees to pay for.
4. Project overview
Our current projects are:
1. Pre-school, offering for 20 - 35 children 5 days a week. Except during Holidays. Providing a monthly salary for our wonderful teacher.
2. School lunch,every school day a cook from the village cooks a healthy meal for the students. She also gets a monthly salary for her work.
3. Family support, supporting two of the poorest families with school tuition or the access to HIV medication.
4. The yearly school trip, a fun day out for the students and teacher.
5. Spending
With a little over 7.000 Euro a year we are able to provide a pre-school in Anlong Khong and support two of the poorest families.
Our yearly budget us:
Family support - $3.780
Daily school lunch - $2.400
Yearly school trip - $300
Pre-school - $1.800
Bank and administrative costs - depending on number of money transfers and currency fluctuations
Materials and maintenance - depending on the need
In Cambodia we pay in American Dollars, as is common. Therefor our budget is stated in USD.
Our finances are managed by: Went Advies B.V. in Leiden, The Netherlands
6. Financial and activity reports
Our reports are only available in Dutch.
Annual report 2018
Activity report 2018
Annual report 2017
Annual report 2016
Annual report 2015

On behalf of our students, teacher, cook and everyone else involved; thank you so much for your help!
Aw'-kun! (Thank you)